News: Ramirez Donado, Maria

Published Thu May 4, 2023

First nameMaria
Last nameRamirez Donado
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Phone(407) 780-6317
Reason for surrenderI can no longer provide my pet with adequate time due to work and commute hours. Though at first, my pet was handling the situation well, she has now been showing signs of stress and discomfort in my home for at least one month. I do not have the monetary means to take her to a doggy-day care or see through a training program.
My current living situation is...I have a stable home.
Number of animals to be discussed?1
Reason(s) for concern - click all that apply.
  • behavior
  • no time for care
  • no longer want animal
Shelter to client contact date02/09/2024
Surrender necessaryyes
Staff member making appointment(s).Hardy
Call outcomeappointment made
Final call date07/15/2024
Admin notes

Email Sent ....

Good Day,

I am reaching out to you because you filed a request form on our website to surrender your pet. I am writing to inform you we’ve temporarily suspended our animal intakes due to upcoming construction on our facility. At this time, we are uncertain when we will lift this suspension.

We recommend using social media, animal rescues, or other means for rehoming your pet.

Final surrender outcomenot applicable
Close ticketno
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