News: Marrero, Kathia

Published Thu May 4, 2023

First nameKathia
Last nameMarrero
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Phone(407) 837-7693
Reason for surrenderNo puedo cuidar de ellos
My current living situation is...I would rather not say.
Number of animals to be discussed?3
Reason(s) for concern - click all that apply.
  • allergies
  • citations
  • cost of food
  • cost of vet care
  • has too many pets
Shelter to client contact date10/05/2023
Surrender necessaryno
Staff member making appointment(s).Hardy
Call outcomereferred to other resources
Final call date10/05/2023
Admin notes

10/5/23 Tried to call twice and both times I was hung up on. The person did not appear to speak very good english. An email was sent explaining we do not take animals from Polk County and that she would need to contact Polk county. CH

Final surrender outcomenot applicable
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