News: Nieves, Carmelo

Published Thu May 4, 2023

First nameCarmelo
Last nameNieves
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Phone(703) 586-5672
Reason for surrenderNot getting along with my other cat
My current living situation is...I have a stable home.
Number of animals to be discussed?1
Reason(s) for concern - click all that apply.
  • conflict with others
Shelter to client contact date03/01/2023
Surrender necessaryyes
Staff member making appointment(s).dm/am
Admin notes

3/01/23 called and spoke to owner and he said that the cat was spraying and going after his other cat, also the cat is pooping and peeing outside of the litterbox. he also said that he was not looking to rehome because of the cat's behavior. I did make him aware of our policy and procedures and he also is aware that we cannot guarantee an outcome and the cat has a high change of being 300 considering the behavior .dm/am

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