News: Caruso, Michelle

Published Thu May 4, 2023

First nameMichelle
Last nameCaruso
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Phone(321) 805-1213
Reason for surrenderOriginal owner was waiting to get her apartment so she can take her cat back but now says she can't take care of Leena the cat and that we can have her. We can't keep her, my family and i was doing the owner a favor.
My current living situation is...I would rather not say.
Number of animals to be discussed?1
Reason(s) for concern - click all that apply.
  • cost of food
  • cost of vet care
  • has too many pets
  • insurance
  • conflict with others
Shelter to client contact date02/28/2023
Surrender necessaryyes
Staff member making appointment(s).am
Call outcomenon responsive to contact/no show
Final call date04/18/2023
Admin notes

2/28/23- Called the owner and she stated that she was only helping a friend by taking care of the cat, but the friend (Prev owner) said that Michelle can have the cat. They have been taking care of the cat for about 4 months now. Michelle is aware we cannot guarantee the outcome of the animal and made her aware of our policies. AM

Final surrender outcomeno show at final meeting
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