News: Collins, jOYCE

Published Thu May 4, 2023

First namejOYCE
Last nameCollins
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Phone(407) 396-6328
Reason for surrenderMy senior shih tzu is blind, deaf, and cant control bowels or bladder. Barks constantly all night. In the day sits facing the wall.She circles like she can not settle down.l.
My current living situation is...I have a stable home.
Number of animals to be discussed?1
Reason(s) for concern - click all that apply.
  • behavior
  • has too many pets
  • no time for care
  • no longer want animal
Shelter to client contact date02/22/2023
Surrender necessaryyes
Staff member making appointment(s).am
Admin notes

2/22/23- Called the owner and due to the medical severe of the animal and the age we set up an appointment for 300. AM

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