News: Rivera, Leticia

Published Thu May 4, 2023

First nameLeticia
Last nameRivera
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Phone(407) 818-5641
Reason for surrenderBarks to much and I live in a community
My current living situation is...I would rather not say.
Number of animals to be discussed?1
Reason(s) for concern - click all that apply.
  • behavior
  • cost of vet care
  • no time for care
Shelter to client contact date02/09/2023
Surrender necessaryyes
Staff member making appointment(s).CW
Call outcomesurrendered to shelter
Final call date02/09/2023
Admin notes

2/9/23 Called and spoke with owner who informed me the dog barks at all hours. Stated the neighborhs are filling complaints against her as she is unable to keep the dog quiet. Owner also stated the vet office informed her the dog has heartworms. C. Wildermuth

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