Published Wed January 11, 2023

First nameHANNAH
Email addressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Please tell us about your Community Cats
Where are the cats located?A business
Address of colony2880 N Poinciana Blvd, Kissimmee, FL 34746
The cats appear to behealthy
The cats are fed by:myself
Are you willing to trap the cats yourself?yes
Additional commentsI have TNR experience but I do not own a trap of my own. Most of the cats are pretty young and most are pretty friendly just a little skittish. There is one cat that has patches of missing fur but she's too skittish for me to get a close look at those areas. Lastly they jump between the Motel (which Is the address I listed) and the Walgreens/Perkins parking lot. I do have photos and a community cat list of a majority of the cats there and do think some would be a good fit for a foster program.
# Cats/kittens10