Published Wed January 11, 2023
Last name | Miguel |
First name | Sarah |
Email address | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Please tell us about your Community Cats | |
Where are the cats located? | Outside my home |
Address of colony | 5016 Biscayne Road |
The cats appear to be | healthy |
The cats are fed by: | neighbors, friends or family |
Are you willing to trap the cats yourself? | no |
Additional comments | There are currently 5 cats that would circle around my house and my neighbors. There are many more cats in my neighborhood. There is a young male orange/white cat, brown tabby (maybe female?), older male black cat, female black cat, and a brown tabby that has two different pupil sizes. I have neighbors that have been feeding the cats. We just want them sterilized. |
# Cats/kittens | 5 |