Published Wed January 11, 2023
Last name | Rodriguez |
First name | Diego |
Email address | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Please tell us about your Community Cats | |
Where are the cats located? | Outside my home |
Address of colony | 2620 Einwood Drive |
The cats appear to be | healthy |
The cats are fed by: | myself |
Are you willing to trap the cats yourself? | yes |
Additional comments | 2 Moms, 3 litters, (3, 3. 5 kittens each). I called the shelter today several times. I'm willing to take all the animals anywhere myself. The male that impregnated the females has already been taken care of. Without assistance, the moms and kittens will eventually die. Worse, they will move on and have more cats. Please help me. I have one litter in my screen patio and the other one near my carport. They are away from the elements. I cannot do anything else for them. |
# Cats/kittens | 13 |