Published Wed January 11, 2023

Last namePaz
First nameAle
Email addressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Please tell us about your Community Cats
Where are the cats located?Outside my home
Address of colony704 Arthur St, Kissimmee
The cats appear to behealthy
The cats are fed by:neighbors, friends or family
Are you willing to trap the cats yourself?yes
Additional commentsThere were just a handful of young cats, but now they're having kittens. It seems they shelter in the neighbor's carport area, I've seen their kids playing with them. Their address is 704 Arthur St, 34741... We're next door. The cats are friendly and cute, but they have fleas and they will keep multiplying if something is not done. I've seen few neighbors feeding them and does not seem they'll starve, but they need to be fixed or we will have a hundred cats by Xmas. I'll pass the information the neighbors, but I am willing to cooperate in any way I can.
# Cats/kittens9