Published Wed January 11, 2023
Last name | Wagner |
First name | Lori |
Email address | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Please tell us about your Community Cats | |
Where are the cats located? | Outside my home |
Address of colony | 2311 Indian Mound Tr |
The cats appear to be | healthy |
The cats are fed by: | myself |
Are you willing to trap the cats yourself? | no |
Additional comments | There are 3 community cats, I'm not sure of their ages, but 2 appear to be under 1 year old. I feed one of them on a regular basis. She comes early in the morning, but the time changes because we have a lot of raccoons and they know when I'm putting food out. We cannot easily trap the raccoons because of the cats. They trap them with sardines and cats love sardines. If you trap these cats, is it possible to adopt the grey tiger we call shadow? All 3 of them are very timid, not aggressive at all. Thank you! |
# Cats/kittens | 3 |