Published Wed January 11, 2023

Last nameGonzalez
First nameDanny
Email addressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Please tell us about your Community Cats
Where are the cats located?In a residential area that is not my home
Address of colony1139 Roan court Kissimmee Fl 34759
The cats appear to behealthy
The cats are fed by:neighbors, friends or family
Are you willing to trap the cats yourself?no
Additional commentsMy neighbor has been feeding the cats for quite some time, but unfortunately there was An incident turned to an unnecessary argument over the homeless stray cats and our Pet Dog. When communicating with the neighbor about her continuing to feed the cats and the feces the cats keep on burying in our yard the she claimed, the cats are her pets nor does she wants them. I really will like for the cats to be removed and relocated for the wellbeing and peace of all parties involved.
# Cats/kittens4