Published Wed January 11, 2023
Last name | Kuhns |
First name | Debbie |
Email address | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Please tell us about your Community Cats | |
Where are the cats located? | Outside my home |
Address of colony | 65 Pickering Drive |
The cats appear to be | healthy |
The cats are fed by: | myself |
Are you willing to trap the cats yourself? | yes |
Additional comments | I take care of a colony of approx 20 cats. They have all been neutered and vaccinated except for one small female who managed to get away! This has been accomplished thru the TNR program. I have since made friends w the lil gal( who has had 2 more sets of kittens since she outsmarted me and got away!) I will now easily be able to trap her but can’t deliver her. She is the only one left that’s in neutered but I noticed she’s attracting more new males😫 so pls help me avoid a new start up of kitties! |