Published Wed January 11, 2023

Last nameFeleccia
First nameFaith
Email addressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Please tell us about your Community Cats
Where are the cats located?Outside my home
The cats appear to behealthy
The cats are fed by:neighbors, friends or family
Are you willing to trap the cats yourself?yes
Additional commentsThere is a stray feral mom that has had several litters. Currently she has babies. Can’t catch her. Maybe able to catch the babies. About 3-4 weeks old? Then another mama feral but is touchable has 4 new babies about 2-3 weeks old . Which she put in our garage in a far back corner. Then 1 male cat. Then I also know another is about to be a mama. Any day now. And another has had kittens but haven’t seen her or them in a few days, so unsure? Please help. I just want to help them. Was told by animal shelter a few months ago I could take there if I could catch them but I got different information today. I’m not apposed to helping just need to be advised what to do.