Published Wed January 11, 2023

Last nameHerring
First nameSusan
Email addressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Please tell us about your Community Cats
Where are the cats located?In a residential area that is not my home
Address of colonySand Run Road and Agate Street off of Michigan
The cats appear to behealthy
The cats are fed by:neighbors, friends or family
Are you willing to trap the cats yourself?no
Additional commentsHi, pleas do not be confused by my home address. I help coordinate the group from afar. The other volunteers are in Kissimmmee. We have been feeding the cats for a couple of years ever since the home owners who' were feeding them moved away. Best Friends helped us do TNR , but now we have around 8 that have joined the colony that do not have clipped ears. Our group can help somewhat with the trapping, but I think we need some guidance. Thanks so much!