Published Wed January 11, 2023
Last name | Ganesh |
First name | Dana |
Email address | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Please tell us about your Community Cats | |
Where are the cats located? | In a residential area that is not my home |
Address of colony | Pembridge Street, Kissimmee 34747 |
The cats appear to be | healthy |
The cats are fed by: | neighbors, friends or family |
Are you willing to trap the cats yourself? | no |
Additional comments | These cats have been problematic because the people feeding them are attracting rats and vultures. The cats are dedicating and urinating all over the neighborhood. The people feeding the cats are placing food near our homes. I’ve had to spend thousands on pest control for rats getting into my attic from food being left at and near my house. The feeders refuse to take the cats and refuse to move the food. The cats are not all vetted and pose a risk to my dogs. |