Published Thu May 20, 2021

Last nameRodriguez
Zip code34743
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Street address8 e Las Palmas way
First nameAngelica
My current living situation is...I have a stable home.
Reason for surrenderFeral cat, elderly owner no longer capable of care for self or pet. She is not able to be rehomed due to feral behavior. She lives under the bed 99% of the time in fear and often hungry, too afraid to come out for food. I am not full time caretaker and unable to manage care for my elderly father and this poor kitty. My father is exhibiting severe breathing and skin issues due to her using the bathroom on or near where he sleeps, and this has been a difficult choice to make, but my dad's health is a major concern at this time. He gave her years of love and care to the best of his ability when she was surrendered to him by another elderly woman.
Phone(832) 812-5392
About the animal(s)
Number of animals to be discussed?1
Animal 1 nameChiquita
Animal 1
Animal 1 speciescat
Has the animal 1 been spayed?no
Animal 1 age5 years +
Animal 1 genderfemale
Animal 1 personality
  • none of the above
Has animal 1 ever bitten anybody?yes
Does animal 1 have any known medical issues?no
Animal 2
Animal 3
Just a few more questions...
How long have you had the animals?5 + years
Reason(s) for concern - click all that apply.
  • allergies
  • behavior
  • moving
  • conflict with others
  • no time for care
Other reason not listedI need to move my dad and I can barely afford the care for him, let alone the care for her that she deserves.
If moving, why can't pet(s) go?Health concerns, no pet rules for elderly community
How we can help you keep your animals?

We cannot keep her, I have tried for months to rehome her to a sanctuary which is the best thing considering she is feral. No one will take her and I cannot afford the time , money or energy during this rough time in my family's life to help her behavior. This is the absolutely last resort, and feel it is the best option for her at this time unfortunately. I understand she will likely have to be euthanized, and I accept this as possibly the best and only fate for her after several months of doing my best to find a permanent space for her to be free. I would rather her no longer live in fear and filth under a bed.

Surrender necessaryyes
Staff member making appointment(s).Hardy
Send appointment emailyes
Multiple appointments?no
Date of appointment 101/30/2024
Time of appointment 104:00 PM
Call outcomeappointment made