Published Thu May 20, 2021
Last name | Woody |
Zip code | 32137 |
Email hidden; Javascript is required. | |
Street address | 7 Cadillac Place |
City | Palm Coast |
First name | CeCe |
My current living situation is... | I have a stable home. |
Reason for surrender | My aunt passed away unexpectedly this past Thursday (1 week ago). She (Sherry Neal) lived in St. Cloud at 611 Jersey Avenue. She had 2 adult cats in the home. They are actually still in the house. I can not take the cats home with me to Palm Coast (husband is very allergic to cats). I have asked around to anyone that might be able to take the cats, but everyone says that they can't. I don't know what else to do with them. They are indoor cats, very friendly, but skiddish. I haven't been able to get one of the cats out of hiding within the house in Osceola County that is in horrible condition. I don't know the names of the cats, their ages or if they have ever been to a vet. Please help! |
Phone | (407) 443-5307 |
About the animal(s) | |
Number of animals to be discussed? | 2 |
Animal 1 name | Cruiser ?? |
Animal 1 | |
Animal 1 species | cat |
Animal 1 size | 11 - 20 lbs |
Has the animal 1 been spayed? | yes |
Animal 1 age | 5 years + |
Animal 1 gender | female |
Animal 1 personality |
Has animal 1 ever bitten anybody? | no |
Does animal 1 have any known medical issues? | no |
Animal 2 | |
Animal 2 name | KiKi ?? |
Animal 2 species | cat |
Animal 2 gender | female |
Has animal 2 been spayed? | yes |
Animal 2 age | 3 - 5 years |
Has animal 2 ever bitten anybody? | no |
Does animal 2 have any medical issues? | no |
Animal 3 | |
Just a few more questions... | |
How long have you had the animals? | 1 week or less |
Reason(s) for concern - click all that apply. |
Other reason not listed | Death of their owner |
How we can help you keep your animals? | I can not keep them. They were my aunt's cats and she unexpectedly passed away last Thursday in Orlando Health St. Cloud. |
Surrender necessary | no |
Staff member making appointment(s). | Hardy |
Multiple appointments? | no |
Call outcome | resolved by client |