Published Thu May 20, 2021

Last nameRodriguez
Zip code34744
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Street address362 Parkland Circle apt 201
First nameSarah
My current living situation is...I would rather not say.
Reason for surrenderI posted them on several sites on Facebook & no one has shown interest. Just a lot of unnecessary comments. I am a mom of 5 underage children, and my oldest even just had a baby. It’s been super tough on my family since we moved here about two years ago. I cannot afford to continue to take care of my dog or cat. I cannot afford vet care, food, etc. I live in an apartment, and they are even charging me $2,000 to replace my carpet, bc of pet damage. I cannot handle anymore on my plate. I am really going through a financial hardship. Please take them.
Phone(407) 970-4004
About the animal(s)
Number of animals to be discussed?2
Animal 1 nameZeus
Animal 1
Animal 1 speciesdog
Animal 1 dog breedAmerican Bully
Animal 1 size51 + lbs
Has animal 1 been neutered?yes
Animal 1 age5 years +
Animal 1 gendermale
Animal 1 personality
  • good with dogs/cats
  • good with small animals
  • good with small children
Has animal 1 ever bitten anybody?no
Does animal 1 have any known medical issues?no
Animal 1 photo
Animal 2
Animal 2 nameElla
Animal 2 speciescat
Animal 2 genderfemale
Has animal 2 been spayed?yes
Animal 2 size11 - 20 lbs
Animal 2 age5 years +
Has animal 2 ever bitten anybody?no
Does animal 2 have any medical issues?no
Animal 2 photo
Animal 3
Just a few more questions...
How long have you had the animals?5 + years
Reason(s) for concern - click all that apply.
  • allergies
  • cost of food
  • cost of vet care
  • insurance
  • no time for care
  • no longer want animal
How we can help you keep your animals?

I cannot keep them, and there are several reasons.
*They caused damage in my apartment with the carpet. My apartment is charging me over $2,000 to replace the carpet. Between scratching at the carpet and putting holes in the carpet, and using the bathroom inside. I have a carpet cleaner, and litter box, and they’re both doing it. My apartment stinks so bad, and no matter how much I clean, it still smells. Zeus scratches at the carpet too. They test the alarms here often, or if it goes off for any reason, the high pitched noise drives him crazy and he scratches the carpet. Zeus was also use to being able to run freely in our old backyard in Ohio. I have him leash trained and we take him out, all throughout the day, and he is still using the bathroom inside. He never did this before. We have been here for two years, and it’s non stop. If I leave, I come back to poop or pee by my pantry or in my kids rooms. I cannot crate him. I crated him, his whole first year, bc of all of the damage he caused, and it gave him anxiety. We have also been dealing with a flea issue, since we take Zeus outside. I’ve been bathing him in Dawn Dish Soap…. And it seems to only temporarily help. I have to get my whole apartment treated . He’s itching so much from this. I’ve been putting coconut oil on his skin, it’s a temporary relief, but he’s messing himself up with scratching. Not to mention, my youngest daughter, who is 11 is highly allergic to both of them. She’s been on allergy meds for years and it’s not working. It’s not fair to her at all. She has asthma. I have asthma, my youngest son also has asthma. The pet hair and dander messes with that as well. I’m here alone with my 5 children and my oldest daughter just had a baby. I cannot afford to take care of Zeus and Ella. I haven’t been able to take them to the vet for a while. I have been borrowing money to feed them etc. I cannot do it anymore. I have too much on my plate. I feel in my heart, they deserve more then what I can offer. It’s been so hard on us financially. I’m still trying to get on my feet. This move has not been easy at all. Please help me. Please take them. I have been so stressed, every single day. I tried posting them months ago on Facebook and IG. I posted them recently as well. I haven’t had any interest, just unnecessary comments. Please help.

Surrender necessaryno
Staff member making appointment(s).Hardy
Multiple appointments?no
Call outcomereferred to other resources