Published Thu May 20, 2021

Last nameMercado
Zip code34743
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Street address3207 Winslow ct
First nameSheila
My current living situation is...I have a stable home.
Reason for surrenderMy dog has a skin condition like psoriasis and its shedding a lot of danger and has an ulcer on a let because he has lost a lot of hair. This all happened after his kidney stones surgery. Someone called me and asked me if there is something that they could help me with to retain my dog and I told the lady that if they can find what he has an cure him that I can keep him. The lady set up an appointment for 05/04/2023 for the vet to see him but a few days before my appointment someone called me to tell me that probably the vet was not going to be able to see him and that he was probably going to be put to sleep. I would like to know if he can be seen to see if we can figure out a way to help him. I have taking him to 3 diff vets and they dont know what he has.
Phone(407) 765-0295
About the animal(s)
Number of animals to be discussed?1
Animal 1 nameRubble
Animal 1
Animal 1 speciesdog
Animal 1 dog breedEnglish Bulldog
Animal 1 size51 + lbs
Has animal 1 been neutered?no
Animal 1 age5 years +
Animal 1 gendermale
Animal 1 personality
  • good with dogs
  • good with small children
Has animal 1 ever bitten anybody?no
Does animal 1 have any known medical issues?yes
Animal 2
Animal 1 explain medical issuesKidney stones surgery on 03/2022, Skin issue after that and a leg ulcer.
Animal 3
Just a few more questions...
How long have you had the animals?5 + years
Reason(s) for concern - click all that apply.
  • allergies
How we can help you keep your animals?

to cure him

Surrender necessaryno
Staff member making appointment(s).dm
Multiple appointments?no
Call outcomeresolved by client