News: LEASH surrender

Published Thu May 20, 2021

 Last name First name Entry ID CreatedSingle entry Call outcome Closed
ValentinMaria1882308/06/23View Detailsno
MartinezMaria1888008/11/23View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no showyes
AliceaMaria1973710/17/23View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no showyes
BatistaMaria2042712/15/23View Detailsreferred to other resourcesyes
Ramirez DonadoMaria2094402/06/24View Detailsappointment madeno
AugustusMaria2098302/10/24View Detailsreferred to other resourcesyes
Gomes Lima De MeloMaria2098702/10/24View Detailsappointment madeno
HernandezMaria2133503/12/24View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no showyes
HarrisMaria2164804/12/24View Detailsappointment madeyes
diazmaria2170904/19/24View Detailsappointment madeno
 Last name First name Entry ID CreatedSingle entry Call outcome Closed