News: LEASH surrender

Published Thu May 20, 2021

 Last name First name Entry ID CreatedSingle entry Call outcome Closed
PROCTORJAMES1655501/10/23View Details
HerreraJames1984810/28/23View Detailsreferred to other resourcesyes
LopezJames1997911/12/23View Detailsappointment madeno
GantJameshia2061501/08/24View Detailsappointment madeno
CarterJamie1889508/12/23View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no showyes
MejiasJamil1677301/27/23View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no show
AponteJamilah1875207/31/23View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no showyes
AponteJamilah1955010/02/23View Detailsappointment madeno
AponteJamilah1984910/28/23View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no showyes
OrtegaJan2195805/14/24View Detailsresolved by clientyes
 Last name First name Entry ID CreatedSingle entry Call outcome Closed