News: LEASH surrender

Published Thu May 20, 2021

 Last name First name Entry ID CreatedSingle entry Call outcome Closed
peraltalisbeth1997811/12/23View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no showyes
percyRuth2172004/20/24View Detailsreferred to other resourcesyes
PEREYRANAIR1692502/11/23View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no showyes
PerezJose1691502/09/23View Details
PerezMichael1706802/27/23View Detailssurrendered to shelter
PerezBarbara1727903/20/23View Details
PerezAnthony1819406/01/23View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no showyes
PĂ©rezDiana1821706/04/23View Detailsnon responsive to contact/no showyes
PerezSariani2270107/16/24View Detailsappointment madeyes
PerezMichelle2278107/24/24View Detailsappointment madeyes
 Last name First name Entry ID CreatedSingle entry Call outcome Closed