► If the pet does not have a valid id (license tag or microchip): 3 day hold

We hold stray pets for the legal hold period of three working days (not including the day that the animal is picked up, days the shelter is closed, or the day of disposition) after which time they are evaluated for potential adoption.

► If the pet is wearing a valid ID: 5 day hold

The pet is held for five working days. Valid ID must track to a current telephone number where the owner can be easily reached.

► Working days at Osceola County Animal Services:

Monday through Saturday, excluding holidays.

► If a stray animal is put up for adoption:

When stray hold has passed the animal can go to it’s new home. Once the animal has left the facility the animal cannot be reclaimed.

► Community cats, feral or free roaming felines:

Community cats are not considered owned and therefore do not have to be held any required time frame. Instead, those cats are spayed/neutered, vaccinated against rabies and other disease, ear tipped and released to the location from which they came.

► Special note:

Please be advised that not every animal is deemed appropriate for adoption. We do not knowingly adopt pets into the community that we believe present a threat to public safety. There may also be medical conditions that are serious enough to make adoption inappropriate or impractical and in these cases, animals may be euthanized.