“Independence Day may be fun for us, but for pets it can be frightening and even dangerous. July 5th is the busiest day of the year at animal shelters as companion animals that fled in fright the night before are found miles from their homes, disoriented and exhausted. Anxious families often find themselves searching the streets and shelters looking for a treasured family member whose fear drove him to jump a high fence or break her leash or chain.”
American Humane Newsroom, June 26, 2019

It is recommended that pet owners take the following steps to keep their pets safe this Independence Day holiday:
Be sure that your pet’s license and shots are up to date.
Be sure that your pet is wearing its tag. Click here if you need to get one.
Update any microchip information online.
Do not bring your dog to a fireworks display. You may enjoy it; your dog probably will not. We have found that even dogs that are not frightened by thunderstorms are terrified of fireworks.
Stay with the pet if you can to comfort it when things get loud.
The shelter will have staff on duty to help calm our pets on the evening of July 4.
If your pet gets lost on the 4th…
Click the link below to submit a
lost pet report.
Submit a lost pet report
If you find a lost pet on the 4th…
Click the link below to submit a
found pet report.
Submit a found pet report
Both the lost and found pet reports should always include a photo or photos when possible. The shelter staff will work hard to match the lost and found pets with their owners.
The shelter will be closed on Monday, July 4 for the holiday and will reopen on Tuesday, July 5.