News: Sir Phillip in his new kingdom

His highness has arrived...
About Sir Phillip’s journey to his forever home

Sir Phillip is a 20 year old Paso Fino gelding. He was rescued by our Animal Control Officers in January of 2020. When found as a stray animal, Sir Phillip was malnourished and underweight. He was brought back to our St Cloud facility and took up residence in the barn and paddock behind the building. If you visit this website often to check on our newest adoptable pets, you may have seen Sir Phillip’s photo and profile along with that of the cats and dogs.
During Sir Phillip’s stay with OCAS, he was able to put on some of that weight that he had lost prior to being brought to the shelter. Sir Phillip was a stallion when found and was gelded 4 months ago. He’s a strong and handsome horse and was probably kept as a stallion to breed due to his unusual coloring.
Sir Phillip just recently found his forever home at Retirement Home for Horses at Mill Creek Farm in Alachua, FL. He was delivered there by two of the people who cared for him; Animal Control Officer Leslie Carpenter and Kennel Tech Charlene Clark. Both were thanked in a recent Retirement Home for Horses newsletter article...”.he was able to gain his good weight back thanks to the excellent care by staff at OCAS….Officer Leslie Carpenter and Kennel Tech Charlene”.
Here’s wishing Sir Phillip a long and happy life, with a big thanks to Mill Creek Farm and to our own employees who cared for him.